News: "Returning Princess Mara" a 48 Hour Film(Directed by Alexander Verdova)(Cleveland, OH) - Erie Lake Pictures award winning production of "Returning Princess Mara" submitted for Cleveland's 48 Hour Film Project was produced and directed by Alexander Verdova, and featured John Galbraith, Jocelyn Wrzosek (Hero Tomorrow), Ben Stewart, Matt Craven, Stephanie Ford, Susie McGarry & Charley Walters (among others). The film premiered to a sold out audience at the Cedar Lee Theatre on Wednesday, August 13th 2008 and earned the award of "Best Costume Design" by the panel of judges of Cleveland's 2008 48 Hour Film Project. "We feel that this film was an absolute success", said Producer / Director Alexander Verdova. "We had an extremely positive response from the audience. Our entire cast and crew could sense that energy. There were some amazing films and filmmakers in this year's 48 Hour Film Project. Cleveland was well represented by a very talented group of artists and 48 Hour Film Project Producer Brian Bowers did an exceptional job of promoting this event." For the 48 Hour Film Project each filmmaker was given a genre (love story, musical, horror, fantasy, etc) and 48 hours to write, shoot and submit a short film. This film had to fit its genre (fantasy), it had to include a specific line of dialogue ("What has that got to do with anything?"), a prop (shoelace) and a character (Don Denver, self help author). Erie Lake Pictures production "Returning Princess Mara", written by Brian Scott Dennis, is a short film about four dungeons and dragons type gamers / role players who get lost in their gaming fantasies while being constantly interrupted with real-world distractions. For more information on the 48 Hour Film Project, go to (Watch the Film) | (Back to Home) |